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  • JTison

TN Governors school


My heart is full as I walk away from this tester college experience. This was a fantastic group of people; I feel like I could hang out with any of them individually and still have a great time. That is a big deal.

I got my acceptance letter to the Tennessee Governors School for the Arts back in February.

What an honor there were over 900 applicants statewide!

In addition to being accepted,

I was awarded a FULL scholarship to their program.

Because I got into the NYU Tisch Summer Program that same week, it was a huge relief to get this scholarship. This was my first real experience away from my home. I wasn't that nervous because I've been pretty self-reliant from a young age. The only fear I had was who would be my roommate! But i soon found out I wouldn't be spending much time in my room. Anytime I was out of class, I was with the other 25+ students taking advantage of the campus.

This year the program tried something different. We were given a Musical of short stories, but no music. We had to write all of our songs. This information wasn't given to us until we got into the arts building. The teacher put us all into a room and left us to create. It brought us together as a group. We had to learn to hear everyone's voice and respect it. Everyone was given tasks on what they needed to work on; we had dancers, beat-boxers, quartet vocals, and solo singers. When we all came back together to sing through the opening; It was a crazy rare collaborative moment that I will never forget. It surprisingly sounded terrific.

I'm truly happy for having this program to collaborate and meet some wonderful people. we all have a really tight bond that I know will last a really long time.

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