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  • JTison

Pippin: Last Show "Pack It Up"

Updated: May 5, 2023

As a performer, there are few experiences quite as exhilarating as being a part of a successful theatrical production. For me, that experience came in the form of the musical "Pippin," directed by Michael O’Flaherty and choreographed by Taylor Zappone. I was fortunate enough to be cast as one of the "players," the cultish ensemble responsible for executing some of the show's most challenging dance numbers.

From the very beginning, it was clear that this production was going to be something special. O’Flaherty and Zappone brought an incredible level of energy and passion to the rehearsal process, pushing us to our limits for the performance. For me, that meant working on partner lifting and mastering the signature Fosse style of dance.

As a member of the ensemble, my role was to be a part of a cohesive, powerful unit that could shift seamlessly between different characters and styles. At times, that meant embodying the strong, murderous energy of the show's villainous characters, luring Pippin into dangerous situations and tempting him down darker paths. Other times, it meant bringing a sense of lightness and whimsy to the stage, delighting the audience with our playful antics and energetic dance.

One of the most challenging aspects of this production was the sheer physicality of the choreography. Partner lifting requires an incredible amount of strength and coordination, and executing the Fosse style requires a level of precision and control that can be difficult to achieve. But under Zappone's expert guidance, we learned these complex routines.

For me, this production was particularly special because it marked my last performance at the Hartt School before graduation. It was an emotional and bittersweet experience, knowing that I was saying goodbye to this community. But being a part of such a successful production was the perfect way to cap off my time at Hartt, and I will always cherish the memories and lessons that I gained from this experience.

In the end, "Pippin" was a true testament to the power of collaboration and hard work. Under the expert direction of O’Flaherty and the inspired choreography of Zappone, our ensemble came together to create something truly magical. I am grateful to have been a part of this wonderful production, and I will always look back on it with a sense of pride and gratitude.

The Hartt School: Pippin, Directed by Michael O’Flaherty and choreographed by Taylor Zappone
The Hartt School: Pippin


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