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  • JTison

ASM for Anyone Can Whistle

This was my first production at The Hartt School. You can learn a lot from being in-charge of backstage!

What I Learned from Back and Under the Stage

After working show through tech i though all of the major problems were fixed and that it would be smooth sailing. but this is LIVE theatre and you never know what it going to happen. from props forgotten or broken to injured actors to loud actors; you have to stay calm and find away to fix it. In the show we has the rock and if you know Anyone Can Whistle, water comes from the rock. in there production we used lights, well the knob that turned them on was very finicky and could turn off at any moment. On multiple accusations i found my self army crawling under the stage to get to the knob. It really just made the show more interesting. I'm adventurous , I'm up for the challenge!XD

You Can't do this Without a Team

I'm so thank for all of the actor, and running crew for making this easy transition into the backstage. but i would to thank my amazing stage manger most of all, o don't think i would have made it this crazy show with out her. She was my eye for the stage and i was her's for the backstage. We all made a great team and in the end put on a fantastic show.

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