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  • JTison

Herb and Junie's Summer

My First Summer Stock experience has just wrapped up. I'm so happy I could go through a summer of work and come out on the other side, ready for the next journey.

Both of these shows are a joy to perform and always got me through the day. Not saying it wasn't tough, to have days where we had two shows, summer camps to run and work in the scene shop. I honestly enjoy work and finding ways that I am of service. Every morning that I had to be up for Junie B. Jones was always harder; it was an early call time and an early show because it was meant for kids. But once I heard the trumpets and drums start playing, my heart started to race, and I was ready to go. After the show we would have to take down the travel set which was easy... but then our next job was to take the "Joseph and Technicolor..." set down and put up "Matilda" before the night show. I learned a lot from taking down that set and building set/prop pieces in the workshop. I learned I could do more than what I thought, and do it well. This summer confirmed I can do this for life and has given me some confidence going to school in the fall. There is so much I could say about the summer, but I'll leave you with pictures because a picture can say a thousand words.

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